Welcome to the newest hotel in Ulysses . Corporate East Hotel in Ulysses is the perfect destination for travelers looking for relaxation and comfort, or travelers looking for adventure . Hotel guests enjoy a free breakfast at the newly constructed Restaurant located onsite starting in January, 2013 . Whatever you are looking for, Corporate East Hotel is the perfect hotel choice for your visit to Ulysses . Corporate East Hotel is located on the east edge of Ulysses, just minutes away from some of Ulysses finest attractions . Within walking distance, or just a short drive, many of the local attractions will be easy to find and enjoy including the Main Street shopping district, Historic Adobe Museum, and 18 hole golf course . If you want to stay in and relax, Corporate East offers many wonderful amenities . such as a lounge, fitness room, and rooms with whirlpool tubs .
- Car Rental Desk
- Family Rooms
- Business center
- Private dining for groups
- Meeting rooms
- Non Smoking Rooms Availability
- Hot Tub/Jacuzzi
Hotel Policies
| Check-in Policy | 1500 |
| Check-out Policy | 1100 |
General Information