Rydges Hotel Christchurch offers highest standards of service, exceptional accommodation and convenient facilities to make your stay a grand experience . Perfectly situated in the heart of Christchurch and adjacent to the picturesque Avon River, this iconic property offers panoramic views of the Southern Alps and the Christchurch's famous Cathedral Square . The hotel is also close to the art gallery, convention centre, casino, shopping mall, botanical gardens and the arts . Rydges Christchurch is proudly a 100% non-smoking hotel . All of the 208 rooms have recently been extensively revitalized, and now include new Rydges Dream beds, state of the art workstations, LCD screens and complete bathroom refit to ensure and they offer a truly exceptional experience to the guests .
- Family Rooms
- Wheelchair accessible
- Business center
- Restaurant
- Meeting rooms
- Non Smoking Rooms Availability
- High-speed internet
- Dry cleaning/laundry
- First Class Hotel
- Convention Center
- Interior Corridor
Hotel Policies
| Check-in Policy | 1400 |
| Check-out Policy | 1100 |
General Information